Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Dr Anja Buttstedt

Anja Buttstedt

Anja Buttstedt

Research Interests

  • Caste determination in honeybees
  • Evolution of major royal jelly proteins (MRJPs) within the order Hymenoptera
  • Function and folding of MRJPs in Apis mellifera (in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Markus Pietzsch)

Curriculum vitae

Academic Education

  • 2011: Dr. rer. nat.: MLU Halle-Wittenberg
    Thesis: Influence of the polypeptide environment on fibril formation of an amyloidogenic peptide.
  • 2007: Diploma (Biology): MLU Halle-Wittenberg
    Thesis: Analysis of the binding of the pro-form of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (proBMP-2) to noggin, an antagonist of the mature growth factor (BMP-2) .

Professional Career

  • Since 2013: Research associate, MLU Halle-Wittenberg, Molecular Ecology
  • 2012-2013: Postdoctoral researcher, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca (Romania), ERDF project RoBeeTech
  • 2007-2011: PhD student, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Biotechnology
  • 2002-2007: Studies of Biology, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg



  • Vezeteu TV, Bobiş O, Moritz RFA, Buttstedt A (2016): Food to some, poison to others - honeybee royal jelly and its growth inhibiting effect on European Foulbrood bacteria. MicrobiologyOpen early online.
  • Buttstedt A, Ihling CH, Pietzsch M, Moritz RFA (2016): Royalactin is not a royal making of a queen. Nature 537 (7621): E10-E12.
  • Pamminger T, Buttstedt A, Norman V, Schierhorn A, Botías C, Jones JC, Basley K, Hughes WOH (2016): The effects of juvenile hormone on Lasius niger reproduction. Journal of Insect Physiology 95: 1-7.
  • Aurori CM, Buttstedt A, Dezmirean DS, Mărghitaş LA, Moritz RFA, Erler S (2013): What is the main driver of ageing in long-lived winter honeybees: Antioxidant enzymes, innate immunity, or vitellogenin? J Gerontol A-Biol 69 (6): 633-639.
  • Buttstedt A, Moritz RFA, Erler S (2013): Origin and function of the major royal jelly proteins of the honeybee (Apis mellifera) as members of the yellow gene family. Biol Rev 89 (2): 255-269
  • Buttstedt A, Moritz RFA, Erler S (2013): More than royal food - Major royal jelly protein genes in sexuals and workers of the honeybee Apis mellifera. Front Zool 10: 72.
  • Pavel CI, Mărghitaş LA, Dezmirean DS, Tomoş LI, Bonta V, Şapcaliu A, Buttstedt A (2013): Comparison Between Local and Commercial Royal Jelly - Use of Antioxidant Activity and 10-Hydroxy-Decenoic Acid as Quality Parameter. J Apic Res 53(1): 116-123.
  • Buttstedt A, Wostradowski T, Ihling C, Hause G, Sinz A, Schwarz E (2013): Different morphology of fibrils originating from agitated and non-agitated conditions. Amyloid 20(2): 86-92
  • Barbezier N, Chartier A, Bidet Y, Buttstedt A, Voisset C, Galons H, Blondel M, Schwarz E, Simonelig M (2011): ): PABPN1 toxicity and aggregation in oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy involve the protein folding activity of rRNA and are reduced by 6-aminophenanthridine and guanabenz. EMBO Mol Med 3(1): 35-49
  • Buttstedt A, Winter R, Sackewitz M, Hause G, Schmid FX, Schwarz E (2010): Influence of the stability of a fused protein and its distance to the amyloidogenic segment on fibril formation. PLoS ONE 5(11): e15436
  • Hauburger A, von Einem S, Schwaerzer GK, Buttstedt A, Zebisch M, Schräml M, Hortschansky P, Knaus P, Schwarz E (2009): The pro-form of BMP-2 interferes with BMP-2 signalling by competing with BMP-2 for IA receptor binding. FEBS Journal 276: 6386-6398.

Non Peer-reviewed

  • Buttstedt A, Paoletti F, Schwarz E (2011): Wachstumsfaktoren der Cystin-Knoten-Familie und ihre Pro-Formen. BIOspektrum 2: 150-153 (only in German)

Research Interests

  • Caste determination in honeybees
  • Evolution of major royal jelly proteins (MRJPs) within the order Hymenoptera
  • Function and folding of MRJPs in Apis mellifera (in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Markus Pietzsch)

Curriculum vitae

Academic Education

  • 2011: Dr. rer. nat.: MLU Halle-Wittenberg
    Thesis: Influence of the polypeptide environment on fibril formation of an amyloidogenic peptide.
  • 2007: Diploma (Biology): MLU Halle-Wittenberg
    Thesis: Analysis of the binding of the pro-form of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (proBMP-2) to noggin, an antagonist of the mature growth factor (BMP- 2) .

Professional Career

  • Since 2013: Research associate, MLU Halle-Wittenberg, Molecular Ecology
  • 2012-2013: Postdoctoral researcher, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca (Romania), ERDF project RoBeeTech
  • 2007-2011: PhD student, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Biotechnology
  • 2002-2007: Studies of Biology, Martin-Luther-University Halle- Wittenberg



  • Buttstedt A, Ihling CH, Pietzsch M, Moritz RFA (2016): Royalactin is not a royal making of a queen. Nature 537 (7621): E10-E12.
  • Pamminger T, Buttstedt A, Norman V, Schierhorn A, Botías C, Jones JC, Basley K, Hughes WOH (2016): The effects of juvenile hormone on Lasius niger reproduction. Journal of Insect Physiology 95: 1-7.
  • Aurori CM, Buttstedt A, Dezmirean DS, Mărghitaş LA, Moritz RFA, Erler S (2013): Molecular analysis of immune system and ageing gene expression in long-lived winter honey bees J Gerontol A-Biol 69 (6): 633-639.
  • Buttstedt A, Moritz RFA, Erler S (2013): Origin and function of the major royal jelly proteins of the honeybee (Apis mellifera) as members of the yellow gene family. Biol Rev 89 (2): 255-269
  • Buttstedt A, Moritz RFA, Erler S (2013): More than royal food - Major royal jelly protein genes in sexuals and workers of the honeybee Apis mellifera. Front Zool 10: 72.
  • Pavel CI, Mărghitaş LA, Dezmirean DS, Tomoş LI, Bonta V, Şapcaliu A, Buttstedt A (2013): Comparison Between Local and Commercial Royal Jelly - Use of Antioxidant Activity and 10-Hydroxy-Decenoic Acid as Quality Parameter. J Apic Res 53(1): 116-123.
  • Buttstedt A, Wostradowski T, Ihling C, Hause G, Sinz A, Schwarz E (2013): Different morphology of fibrils originating from agitated and non-agitated conditions. Amyloid 20(2): 86-92
  • Barbezier N, Chartier A, Bidet Y, Buttstedt A, Voisset C, Galons H, Blondel M, Schwarz E, Simonelig M (2011): ): PABPN1 toxicity and aggregation in oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy involve the protein folding activity of rRNA and are reduced by 6-aminophenanthridine and guanabenz. EMBO Mol Med 3(1): 35-49
  • Buttstedt A, Winter R, Sackewitz M, Hause G, Schmid FX, Schwarz E (2010): Influence of the stability of a fused protein and its distance to the amyloidogenic segment on fibril formation. PLoS ONE 5(11): e15436
  • Hauburger A, von Einem S, Schwaerzer GK, Buttstedt A, Zebisch M, Schräml M, Hortschansky P, Knaus P, Schwarz E (2009): The pro-form of BMP-2 interferes with BMP-2 signalling by competing with BMP-2 for IA receptor binding. FEBS Journal 276: 6386-6398.

Non Peer-reviewed

  • Buttstedt A, Paoletti F, Schwarz E (2011): Wachstumsfaktoren der Cystin-Knoten-Familie und ihre Pro-Formen. BIOspektrum 2: 150-153 (only in German)
