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Find publications of Robin FA Moritz (Emeritus) and the MolEcol-Research Group here
BECHER MA, SCHARPENBERG H, MORITZ RFA (2009): Pupal developmental temperature and behavioral specialization of honeybee workers (Apis mellifera L.). J Comp Physiol A 195: 673–679
(325.4 KB) vom 05.10.2010
WALTER A, BLISS P, ELGAR MA, MORITZ RFA (2009): Argiope bruennichi shows a drinking-like behaviour in web hub decorations (Araneae, Araneidae). J Ethol 27: 25-29
(252 KB) vom 07.10.2010
STRAUSS K, SCHARPENBERG H, CREWE RM, GLAHN F, FOTH H, MORITZ RFA (2008): The role of the queen mandibular gland pheromone in honeybees (Apis mellifera): honest signal or suppressive agent? Behav Ecol Sociobiol 62: 1523-1531
(195.1 KB) vom 08.10.2010
WALTER A, ELGAR MA, BLISS P, MORITZ RFA (2008): Molting interferes with web decorating behavior in Argiope keyserlingi (Araneae, Araneidae). J Arachnol 36: 538-544
(413.9 KB) vom 08.10.2010
WALTER A, ELGAR MA, BLISS P, MORITZ RFA (2008): Wrap attack activates web-decorating behavior in Argiope spiders. Behav Ecol 19: 799-804
(296.2 KB) vom 08.10.2010
KAATZ HH, FERENZ HJ, LANGER B, MORITZ RFA (2007): Isolation and characterization of nine polymorphic microsatellite loci from the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. Mol Ecol Notes 7: 1042-1044
(75.5 KB) vom 11.10.2010
BLISS P, KATZERKE A, NEUMANN P (2006): The Role of Molehills and Grasses for Filial Nest Founding in the Wood Ant Formica exsecta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiol 47: 903-913
(394.1 KB) vom 12.10.2010
KATZERKE A, NEUMANN P, PIRK CWW, BLISS P, MORITZ RFA (2006): Seasonal nestmate recognition in the ant Formica exsecta. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 61: 143–150
(222.7 KB) vom 12.10.2010
SCHARPENBERG H, NEUMANN P, van PRAAGH JP, MORITZ RFA (2006): Reliability of an island mating apiary under routine management. J Apicult Res 45: 153-154
(56.9 KB) vom 12.10.2010
WALTER A, BLISS P, MORITZ RFA (2005): The wasp spider Argiope bruennichi (Arachnida, Araneidae): ballooning is not an obligate life history phase. J Arachnol 33: 516-522
(294.5 KB) vom 10.09.2014
RUDESCHKO O, MACHNIK A, DÖRFELT H, KAATZ H-H, SCHLOTT B, KINNE RW (2004): A novel inhalation allergen present in the working environment of beekeepers. Allergy 59: 332-337
(237 KB) vom 11.09.2014
KRAUS B, NEUMANN P, SCHARPENBERG H, VAN PRAAGH J, MORITZ RFA (2003): Male fitness of honeybee colonies. J Evol Biol 16: 914-920
(130.3 KB) vom 12.09.2014
MORITZ RFA, SCHARPENBERG H, LATTORFF HMG, NEUMANN P (2003): A technical note for using microsatellite DNA analyses in haploid male DNA pools of social Hymenoptera. Insect Soc 50: 398-400
(122.3 KB) vom 12.09.2014
BLISS P, KATZERKE A, MORITZ RFA (2001): Formica exsecta NYLANDER, 1846 (Hym., Formicidae) im Müritz-Nationalpark. Ent Nachr Ber 44: 283-284
(223.4 KB) vom 13.02.2013
BLISS P, SCHRÖDER H, KATZERKE A, MORITZ RFA (2000): Standort und Struktur eines Kolonieverbandes der Großen Kerbameise (Formica exsecta) im Müritz-Nationalpark (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Arch Freunde Naturg Mecklenb XL: 5-23
(223.4 KB) vom 18.09.2014