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Find publications of Robin FA Moritz (Emeritus) and the MolEcol-Research Group here
Aumer D, Mumoki FN, Pirk CWW, Moritz RFA (2018): The transriptomic changes associated with the development of social parasitism in the honeybee Apis mellifera capensis. Sci Nat 105: 22.
(1.2 MB) vom 22.03.2018
Conlon BH, Frey E, Rosenkranz P, Locke B, Moritz RFA, Routtu J (2018): The role of epistatic interactions underpinning resistance to parasitic Varroa mites in haploid honey bee (Apis mellifera) drones. JEB .
(328.9 KB) vom 30.05.2018
Erler S, Lewkowski O, Poehlein A, Forsgren A (2018): The curious case of Achromobacter eurydice, a Gram-variable pleomorphic bacterium associated with European foulbrood disease in honeybees. Microb Ecol , (early online).
(13.1 MB) vom 21.06.2017
Kurze C, Le Conte Y, Kryger P, Lewkowski O, Müller T, Moritz RFA (2018): Infection dynamics of Nosema ceranae in honey bee midgut and host cell apoptosis. JIP 154: 1-4
(216.9 KB) vom 22.03.2018
Aumer D, Allsopp MH, Lattorff HMG, Moritz RFA, Jarosch-Perlow A (2017): Thelytoky in Cape honeybees (Apis mellifera capensis) is controlled by a single recessive locus. Apidologie 48: 401-410.
(16 MB) vom 25.01.2017
Pieplow JT, Brauße J, van Praagh JP, Moritz RFA, Erler S (2017): A scientific note on using large mixed sperm samples in instrumental insemination of honeybee queens. Apidologie 48: 716-718.
(4.3 MB) vom 21.06.2017
Aurori AC, Bobis O, Dezmirean DS, Marghitas LA, Erler S (2016): Bay laurel (Laurus nobilis) as potential antiviral treatment in naturally BQCV infected honeybees. Virus Res 222: 29-33.
(361.4 KB) vom 11.08.2016
EPILOBEE Consortium et. al. (2016): Risk indicators affecting honeybee colony survival in Europe: one year of surveillance. Apidologie 47 (3): 348-378.
Epilobee Consortium_etal_2016-Apido.pdf
(2.4 MB) vom 10.10.2018
Erler S, Moritz RFA (2016): Pharmacophagy and pharmacophory: mechanisms of self-medication and disease prevention in the honeybee colony (Apis mellifera). Apidologie 47:389-411.
(698.3 KB) vom 11.08.2016
Kurze C, Routtu J, and Moritz RFA (2016): Parasite resistance and tolerance in honeybees at the individual and social level. Zoology 119: 290-297.
(711.7 KB) vom 04.04.2016
Lattorff HMG, Popp M, Parsche S, Helbing S, Erler S (2016): Effective population size as a driver for divergence of anantimicrobial peptide (Hymenoptaecin) in two common European bumblebee species. Biol J Linn Soc 119(2): 299-310.
(219.8 KB) vom 21.06.2017
Margaoan R, Zahan M, Marghitas LA, Dezmirean DS, Erler S, Bobis O (2016): Antiproliferative activity and apoptotic effects of Filipendula ulmaria pollen against C26 mice colon tumour cells. J Apic Sci 60: 135-144.
(1003.2 KB) vom 11.08.2016
Moritz RFA, Erler S (2016): Lost colonies found in a data mine: Global honey trade but not pests or pesticides as a major cause of regional honeybee colony declines. Agr Ecosyst Environ 216: 44-50.
Moritz_Erler_2016_ AgricEcosysEnviron.pdf
(765.4 KB) vom 09.10.2015
Rueppell O, Aumer D, Moritz RFA (2016): Ties between ageing plasticity and reproductive physiology in honey bees (Apis mellifera) reveal a positive relation between fecundity and longevity as consequence of advanced social evolution. Curr Opin Insect Sci 16: 64-68.
(307.6 KB) vom 21.09.2017
Aurori A, Erler S, Bobis O, Dezmirean DS, Mărghitaş LA (2015): Screening for antivirals using an in vivo honeybee - BQCV model system. J Biotechnol 208 (Supplement): S27-S28.
(75.5 KB) vom 25.11.2015
Barribeau SM, ..., Erler S, Helbing S, Lattorff HMG, et al (2015): A depauperate immune repertoire precedes evolution of sociality in bees. Genome Biol 16: 83.
(2.5 MB) vom 06.05.2015
Hönicke C, Bliss P, Moritz RFA (2015): Effect of density on traffic and velocity on trunk trailsof Formica pratensis. Sci Nat 102:17
(1.1 MB) vom 22.04.2015
Kurze C, Le Conte Y, Dussaubat C, Erler S, Kryger P, Lewkowski O, Müller T, Widder M, Moritz RFA (2015): Nosema tolerant honeybees (Apis mellifera) escape parasitic manipulation of apoptosis. Plos One 10: e0140174.
(1.9 MB) vom 09.10.2015