Dr Eckart Stolle

Dr. Stolle has left our group in 2014.
GoogleScholar ResearcherID G-3780-2011 ORCID 0000-0001-7638-4061 ResearchGate BiomedExperts Academia.edu FigShare |
RESTseq Population genomics |
A rapid and cost efficient assay to detect multiple honeybee pathogens. |
Mapping the genome of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris. |
Research Interests
I’m currently interested in evolutionary comparative genomics and genetics in social Hymenoptera and the mechanisms underlying evolution of genomes, chromosomes, genes, gene networks, behavior, castes and sociality.
By developing novel molecular markers, constructing a dense genetic linkage map for the bumblebee Bombus terrestris and comparing it with the honeybee Apis mellifera, we could show that both species show a high degree of conservation of the genomic architecture. Such a high proportion of synteny and homology (rearranged region on the same linkage group) between both species is particular unexpected, as both species show a very high genome-wide recombination rate, comparable short generation times and a divergence time of about 100 million years. Species with similar divergence times (e.g. mouse and human) show extensive reshuffling of chromosomal segments and high numbers of inter-chromosomal rearrangements. Thus our study reveals a slow genome and chromosome evolution in the Apidae, which might be related to some life history traits such as haplo-diploidy or sociality. The linkage map will also support efforts to assemble the Bombus terrestris genome sequence, in whose annotation we will be involved.
Using a novel approach detecting conserved SSRs in multiple genomes we not only could show, that SSRs can be conserved over several hundred million years across insect genomes, but also showed the influence of generation time in comparision of rates of genome evolution. Our data suggest that indeed the genomes of (socia)l Hymenoptera evolve at much faster rate than those of Diptera. Furthermore we used conserved SSRs as homologous markers to compare chromosomal structures. We first revealed major assembly problems by evaluating two bumblebee genomes, and, after fixing those assembly problems, could show, that the two genomes underwent a remarkably low number of rearrangements despite their several million years of separate evolution. This further supports our earlier finding, that genomic architecture seems to be somewhat conserved in social bees.
Other repetitive elements were detected and mined from 10 different bee genomes and were used to find genomic signatures of social evolution
Furthermore I’m interested in genetic processes underlying caste differences (differential expression, methylation ...) in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris and honeybee (Apis mellifera), especially the cape honeybee A. m. capensis. After whole genome sequences of several bee species (including Bombus terrestris), both social and non-social, as well as for Polistes paper wasps and several ant species become available, comparative approaches will be very promising to characterize the evolutionary signatures of sociality within genomes.
I'm also involved in the the national network project on honeybee diseases and host-parasite interactions "FITBEE" for which I'm developing a PCR based assay to detect honeybee pathogens. This assay is highly optimized for time- and cost-efficiency using highly multiplexed reactions.
Within upcoming PostDoc Projects (DAAD, Marie Curie) I will work also on different aspects of chromosome and genome evolution in fireants (Solenopsis) in relation to different social organisations of colonies.
Curriculum vitae
Publication (peer reviewed)

- 2014: Bumble Bee Genome Sequencing Consortium. Two bumble bee genome and advanced social lifestyle. in review/revision.
- 2014: 10 Bee Genome Sequencing Consortium: 10 bee genomes comparison and social evolution. submitted.
- 9.) 2014: Chipman AD et al.: The First Myriapod Genome Sequence Reveals Conservative Arthropod Gene Content and Genome Organisation in the Centipede Strigamia maritima. PLoS Biology 12(11): e1002005. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002005 .
- 8.) 2014: Elsik CG et al.: Finding the missing honey bee genes: lessons learned from a genome upgrade.
BMC Genomics 2014, 15:86. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-86
- 7.) 2013: Stolle E, Moritz RFA: RESTseq – Efficient Benchtop Population Genomics with RESTriction fragment SEQuencing.
PLoS ONE 8(5): e63960. doi:10. 1371/journal. pone. 0063960
- 6.) 2013:Stolle E, Kidner JH, Moritz RFA: Patterns of Evolutionary Conservation of Microsatellites (SSRs) Suggest a Faster Rate of Genome Evolution in Hymenoptera Than in Diptera.
Genome Biology and Evolution 5 (1): 151-162. doi:10.1093/gbe/evs133
- 5.) 2011: Jarosch A, Stolle E, Crewe RM, Moritz RFA: Alternative splicing of a single transcription factor drives selfish reproductive behavior in honeybee workers (Apis mellifera).
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108 (37): 15282-15287. doi:10.1073/pnas.1109343108
- 4.) 2011: Stolle E, Wilfert L, Schmid-Hempel R, Schmid-Hempel P, Kube M, Reinhardt R, Moritz RFA: A second generation genetic map of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758) reveals slow genome and chromosome evolution in the Apidae.
BMC Genomics 12:48. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-12-48
- 3.) 2010: Jaffé R, Dietemann V, Allsopp MH, Costa C, Crewe RM, Dall’Olio R, de la Rúa P, El-Niweiri MAA, Fries I, Kezic N, Meusel MS, Paxton RJ, Shaibi T, Stolle E, Moritz RFA: Estimating the Density of Honeybee Colonies across Their Natural Range to Fill the Gap in Pollinator Decline Censuses.
Conservation Biology 24 (2): 583-593. doi:10.1111/j.1523-1739.2009.01331.x
- 2.) 2009: Stolle E, Rohde M, Vautrin D, Solignac M, Schmid-Hempel P, Schmid-Hempel R, Moritz RFA: Novel microsatellite DNA loci for Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758).
Molecular Ecology Resources 9(5): 1345-1352. doi:10. 1111/j. 1755- 0998. 2009. 02610. x
- 1.) 2003: Hoffmann MH, Bremer M, Schneider K, Burger F, Stolle E, Moritz G: Flower visitors in a natural population of Arabidopsis thaliana.
Plant Biology 5 (5): 491-494. doi:10.1055/s-2003-44784
Personal Information
- Birth: Sangerhausen, 16.01.1982
- Languages: German, English, little Spanish, rudimentary Russian
- married
Education & professional positions
- 2017 (2015): Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (IEF). UK
- 2015 (2014): DAAD short term PostDoc fellowship, Queen Mary University London, UK.
- 2014 (2011): FITBEE, research assistant, BioSolution GmbH, Halle
- 2013 (2007): Ph.D student at the Martin-Luther-University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. Dissertation Thesis "Microsatellites – powerful tools for genome mapping and genome evolution – a case study on the insect Bombus terrestris and other social Hymenoptera", supervised by Prof. Dr. Robin F.A. Moritz. Funded by the DFG.
- 2007 (2001): Diploma in Biology at the Martin-Luther-University, Halle-Wittenberg: "Molecular analysis of the candidate gene regulating parthenogenesis in honeybee workers", supervised by Prof. Dr. Robin F.A.Moritz.
- 2001 (2000): civilian service (Zivildienst) "Naturschutzstation Südharz" (Außenstelle der Oberen Naturschutzbehörde Halle/S.) in Wippra (Harz)
- 2000: A-Level (Abitur) (Goethegymnasium Kelbra)
Publications (miscellaneous, non-peer reviewed, governmental):
- 31. 2014: Stolle E: Hymenopteren der Steppenrasen Sachsen-Anhalts. in press
- 30. 2014: Jentzsch M, Stolle E ,et al.: Bestandsituation der Schwebfliegen Sachsen-Anhalts. in press.
- 29. 2014: Saure C, Stolle E, Creutzburg F, Schmid-Egger C et al.: Bestandsituation der Bienen Sachsen-Anhalts. in press.
- 28. 2014: Stolle E, Saure C, Burger F: Bestandsituation der Wespen Sachsen-Anhalts. in press.
- 27. 2011: Schmid-Egger C (unter Mitarbeit von Jacobs A, Venne C, Bleidorn C, Saure C, Stolle E, Burger F, Voith J, Mandery K, Herrmann M, Kaluza S, Liebig WH): Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Wespen Deutschlands. Hymenoptera, Aculeata: Grabwespen (Ampulicidae, Crabronidae, Sphecidae), Wegwespen (Pompilidae), Goldwespen (Chrysididae), Faltenwespen (Vespidae), Spinnenameisen (Mutillidae), Dolchwespen (Scoliidae), Rollwespen (Tiphiidae) und Keulhornwespen (Sapygidae). – In: Binot-Hafke, M.; Balzer, S.; Becker, N.; Gruttke, H.; Haupt, H.; Hofbauer, N.; Ludwig, G.; Matzke-Hajek, G. & Strauch, M. (eds.): Rote Liste gefährdeter Tiere, Pflanzen und Pilze Deutschlands. Band 3: Wirbellose Tiere (Teil 1). – Münster (Landwirtschaftsverlag). Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 70 (3) (2011): 419-465.
- 26. 2011: Ssymank A, Doczkal D, Rennwald K, Dziock F (unter Mitarbeit von Jentzsch M, Jessat M, Kehlmaier C, Malec F, Merkel-Wallner G, Musche M, Pellmann H, Stolle E, Stuke JH, von der Dunk K) (2011): Rote Liste der Schwebfliegen (Diptera: Syrphidae) Deutschlands. – In: Binot-Hafke, M.; Balzer, S.; Becker, N.; Gruttke, H.; Haupt, H.; Hofbauer, N.; Ludwig, G.; Matzke-Hajek, G. & Strauch, M. (eds.): Rote Liste gefährdeter Tiere, Pflanzen und Pilze Deutschlands. Band 3: Wirbellose Tiere (Teil 1). – Münster (Landwirtschaftsverlag). Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 70 (3) (2011).
- 25. 2011: Burger F, Creutzburg F, Kaluza S, Stolle E, Winter R: Rote Liste der Grabwespen (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Ampulicidae, Sphecidae, Crabronidae) Thüringens. Naturschutzreport 26: 282-290.
- 24. 2010: Schmid-Egger C (unter Mitarbeit von Jacobs A, Venne C, Bleidorn C, Saure C, Stolle E, Burger F, Voith J, Mandery K, Herrmann M, Kaluza S, Liebig WH): Rote Liste der Wespen Deutschlands. Hymenoptera Aculeata: Grabwespen (Ampulicidae, Crabronidae, Sphecidae), Wegwespen (Pompilidae), Goldwespen (Chrysididae), Faltenwespen (Vespidae), Spinnenameisen (Mutillidae), Dolchwespen (Scoliidae), Rollwespen (Tiphiidae) und Keulhornwespen (Sapygidae). Ampulex 1 (2010): 5-40. Berlin.
- 23. 2010: Gerth M, Franke F, Stolle E, Bleidorn C: Ein neuer Nachweis der Goldwespe Chrysis leachii Shuckard, 1837 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) in Thüringen mit Anmerkungen zu potentiellen Wirten. AMPULEX 2 (2010): 61-64.
- 22. 2010: Stolle E: Ectemnius fossorius (Linnaeus, 1758) neu für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae). AMPULEX 2 (2010): 75-76.
- 21. 2010: Malchau W, Meyer F, Schnitter P (Bearb.): Bewertung des Erhaltungszustandes der wirbellosen Tierarten nach Anhang II der Fauna-Flora-Habitat-Richtlinie in Sachsen-Anhalt.– Berichte des Landesamtes für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt (Halle), Sonderheft 2 (2010). - Projektmitarbeiter.
- 20. 2009: Stolle E: Nachweise von Dipteren und Hymenopteren im Ohre-Aller-Hügelland. Entomologische Mitteilungen Sachsen-Anhalt 17, 182-184.
- 19. 2007: Schnitter P, Lehmann B, Dornbusch G, Hartenauer K, Hohmann M, Meyer F, Neumann V, Richter U, Röhricht W, Sacher P, Schneider K, Schöne A, Spitzenberg D, Stolle E, Sy T, Wallaschek M, Witsack W: Tierarten und Großpilze der Lebensraumtypen des Anhangs I der FFH-Richtlinie. Naturschutz im Land Sachsen-Anhalt 44 (2) (2007): 32-37.
- 18. 2006: Burger F (unter Mitarbeit von Creutzburg F, Kaluza S, Stolle E; Winter R): Rote Liste der Grabwespen (Hymenoptera: Ampulicidae, Sphecidae s. str. et Crabronidae) Thüringens. Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz in Thüringen 43(3): 86-92.
- 17. 2005: Jentzsch M; Katthöver T; Bock H; Buttstedt L; Pietsch T; Ohlendorf B; Stolle E; Unruh M: Zur ökologischen Ausstattung des NSG „Othaler Wald“ Naturschutz im Land Sachsen-Anhalt 42 (2005) (1): 21–29.
- 16. 2004: Stolle E, Burger F, Drewes B: Rote Liste der Grabwespen (Hymenoptera: „Sphecidae“) des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt. – Berichte des Landesamtes für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt 39 (2004): 369-375.
- 15. 2004: Stolle E, Burger F: Rote Liste der Wegwespen, Spinnenameisen, Keulen-, Dolch- und Rollwespen (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae, Mutillidae, Sapygidae, Scoliidae, Tiphiidae) des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt. Berichte des Landesamtes für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt 39 (2004): 375-381.
- 14. 2004: Dziok F, Jentzsch M, Stolle E, Musche M, Pellmann H: Rote Liste der Schwebfliegen (Diptera: Syrphidae) des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt. Berichte des Landesamtes für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt 39 (2004): 403-409.
- 13. 2004: Wallaschek M (unter Mitarbeit von Müller J, Oelerich HM, Richter K, Schädler M, Schäfer B, Schulze M, Schweigert R, Steglich R, Stolle E, Unruh M): Rote Liste der Heuschrecken (Ensifera et Caelifera) des Landes Sachsen-Anhalts. In: Rote Liste Sachsen-Anhalts. Berichte des Landesamtes für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt 39 (2004): 223-227.
- 12. 2004: Neumann V (unter Mitarbeit von Bäse W, Ciupa W, Gruschwitz W, Huth M, Jentzsch M, Jung M, Kühnel H, Lange L, Pietsch T, Rössler A, Schmiedtchen G, Schnitter PH, Schornack S, Siering G, Stolle E, Trapp W, Trost M): Rote Liste der Bockkäfer (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt. – Berichte des Landesamtes für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt 39 (2004): 299-304.
- 11. 2004: Wallaschek M, Langner TJ, Richter K (u. Mitarbeit v. A. Federschmidt, D. Klaus, U. Mielke, J. Müller, H.-M. Oelerich, J. Ohst, M. Oschmann, M. Schädler, B. Schäfer, R. Scharapenko, W. Schüler, M. Schulze, R. Schweigert, R. Steglich, E. Stolle & M. Unruh): Die Geradflügler des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt (Insecta: Dermaptera, Mantodea, Blattoptera, Ensifera, Caelifera). - Berichte des Landesamtes für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt (Halle), Sonderheft 5 (2004). 230 S.
- 10. 2004: Stolle E, Wolf H: Fünf interessante Wegwespen-Arten Nordthüringens. Aratora 14 (2004): 173-179. Artern.
- 9. 2002: Schnitter P, Frank D, Bäse W, Bartels R, Billetoft B, Burger F, Dorn M, Dornbusch G, Gohr F, Grosser C, Gruschwitz W, Haferkorn J, Hanelt D, Hohmann M, Jäger UG, Jage H, Jährling M, Jentzsch M, Kammerad B, Karisch T, Kleinsteuber W, Körnig G, Komposch C, Lübke-Al Hussein M, Malchau W, Meyer F, Müller J, Neumann V, Ohlendorf B, Peterson J, Röhricht W, Ruhnke H, Sacher P, Schmidt P, Schneider K, Scholz P, Scholze P, Schütze P, Schönborn C, Spitzenberg D, Stark A, Steglich R, Stolle E, Tappenbeck L, Täuscher L, Trost M, Wallascheck M, Wendt W, Winter-Huneck B, Witsack W, Wüstemann O: Auswahl der Arten der Lebensraumtypen nach Anhang I der FFH-Richtlinie. In: Landesamt für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt (ed.) (2002): Die Lebensraumtypen nach Anhang I der Fauna-Flora-Habitatrichtlinie im Land Sachsen-Anhalt. Naturschutz im Land Sachsen-Anhalt 39 (2002), Sonderheft, 368 S.
- 8. 2002: Bock H, Stolle E (2002): Ein Beitrag zum Kenntnisstand der Lurch- und Kriechtierfauna des Landkreises Sangerhausen. Beiträge zur Heimatforschung 12: 101-111. Sangerhausen
- 7. 2002: Jentzsch M, Stolle E: Zum Vorkommen von Volucella zonaria (Poda, 1761) in Sachsen-Anhalt (Diptera, Syrphidae). Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 46, 2002/3: 192.
- 6. 2002: Jentzsch M, Löb A, Stolle E: Bemerkenswerter Nachweis einer Faltenwespe (Vespidae). – Osterfelder Kultur- und Heimatblatt, Sonderausgabe 2002: 40.
- 5. 2002: Wallaschek M, Müller M, Richter TJ, Richter K (unter Mitarbeit von Federschmidt A, Mielke U, Müller J, Neunz C, Ohst J, Oelerich M, Oschmann M, Schädler M, Schäfer B, Scharapenko R, Schüler W, Schulze M, Schweigert R, Steglich R, Stolle E, Unruh M): Prodomus für einen Verbreitungsatlas der Heuschrecken, Ohrwürmer und Schaben (Insecta: Ensifera, Caelifera, Dermaptera, Blattoptera) des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt. Ent. Mitt. Sachsen-Anhalt (2002) 1/2, 88 S.
- 4. 2002: Schnitter P, Sacher P, Schönborn C, Scholze P, Schumann G, Schweigert R, Stolle E: Zur Wirbellosen-Fauna des NSG „Teufelsmauer“. In: 150 Jahre Schutz der Teufelsmauer – Berichte des Landesamtes für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt, Sonderheft 1/2002.
- 3. 2001: Buttstedt L, Jentzsch M, Stolle E: Zum Vorkommen der Ibisfliege Atherix ibis (Fabricius, 1798) im Landkreis Sangerhausen (Dipt., Athericidae). Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 45 (2001): 59-61.
- 2. 2001: Schnitter P, Schuboth J, Stolle E: Zur Laufkäferfauna (Coleoptera: Carabidae) ausgewählter Untersuchungsflächen im Südharz (Sachsen-Anhalt) bei Rottleberode und Uftrungen. Entomol. Mitt. Sachsen-Anhalt 9 (1) (2001): 3-19.
- 1. 1999: Stolle E: Ein neuer Fundort der Maulwurfsgrille, Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa (Linnaeus, 1758), in Sachsen-Anhalt. Entomol. Mitt. Sachsen-Anhalt 7 (1) (1999): 21.
Stolle 2010 Ectemnius fossorius. Ampulex 2
Stolle 2010 Ectemnius fossorius neu für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.pdf
(705.8 KB) vom 24.09.2013
Gerth et al. 2010, Chrysis leachii, Ampulex 2
Gerth Franke Stolle Bleidorn 2010 Ein neuer Nachweis der Goldwespe Chrysis leachii.pdf
(1.1 MB) vom 24.09.2013
Stolle et al. 2004 Rote Liste der Grabwespen des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt
(819.4 KB) vom 24.09.2013
Stolle et al. 2004 Rote Liste der Wespen des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt
(670.4 KB) vom 24.09.2013
Oral Contributions
- 2014*
- 2014*
- 2013*(Keynote Speaker): Stolle E: Population Genomics and QTL Mapping in Insects using RESTseq Genotyping-by-Sequencing. Life Technology Ion Torrent User Meeting, 12-13th Sept 2013, Vienna, Austria.
- 2013* Stolle E, Moritz RFA: Repetitive DNA in social Hymenoptera - evolutionar conserved microsatellites, rates of genome evolution, transposable elements. April 2013, Queen Mary University of London, School of Biological Sciences, Y. Wurm.
- 2012 Stolle E, Kidner JH, Moritz RFA: Evolutionary conservation of microsatellites - rate of genome evolution evolution of chromosomal structures and genome assemblies. EurBee5 – 5th European Conference of Apidology, 3-7th Sept 2012, Halle, Germany.
- 2012 Stolle E, Moritz RFA: A rapid and cost efficient assay to detect multiple honeybee pathogens. Ein zeit- und kosteneffizienter Schnelltest zur Detektion mehrerer Honigbienenpathogene. 59. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Bieneninstitute Bonn 28-30th March 2012, Bonn, Germany.
- 2011* Stolle E: The genome of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris: mapping, microsatellites and evolution. WWU Muenster, Institute for evolution and biodiversity, Prof. Erich Bornberg-Bauer: Evolutionary Bioinformatics.
- 2011 Stolle E, Kidner JH, Moritz RFA: Ancient repetitive DNA, genome assembly improvement and the evolution of genome structure in the Apidae. 2011 International Social Insect Genomics Research Conference, 29th June-2nd July 2011, BGI, Shenzhen, China.
- 2011 Stolle E, Wilfert L, Schmid-Hempel R, Schmid-Hempel P, Reinhardt R, Kube M, Moritz RFA: A 2nd generation genetic map of Bombus terrestris and a slow genome and chromosome evolution in the Apidae. 2nd Central European Meeting of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects – IUSSI, 25-28th March 2011, Papenburg, Germany.
- 2010* Stolle E, Wilfert L, Schmid-Hempel R, Schmid-Hempel P, Lehrach H, Moritz RFA: A seconds generation linkage map of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris. ETH Zürich, Switzerland, Experimental Ecology group of Prof. Paul Schmid-Hempel.
- 2009 Stolle E, Schmid-Hempel P, Schmid-Hempel R, Lehrach H, Moritz RFA (2009): Microsatellites in three hymenopteran genomes. 56. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Bieneninstitute, 24-26th March 2009, Schwerin, Germany.
- 2008* Stolle E (2008): Schwebfliegen und Wespen im Südharz - wertvolle Anzeiger für die ökologische Bedeutung der Region. 2. Herbsttagung im Biosphärenreservat Karstlandschaft Südharz, Rossla, 24-25th Sept 2008.
- 2007 Stolle E, Moritz RFA, Crewe RM: Molecular analysis of gemini – a candidate for causing thelytoky in Apis mellifera capensis? 54. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Bieneninstitute Veitshöchheim: 27-29th March 2007, Würzburg, Germany.
- 2013: Stolle E, Moritz RFA: Repetitive DNA and insights into genome evolution in insects. Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) 2013. Lisbon, Portugal.
- 2013: Stolle E, Moritz RFA: Efficient Benchtop Population Genomics and highly pooled population genetic screening with RESTriction fragment SEQuencing (RESTseq). Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) 2013. Lisbon, Portugal.
- 2013: Stolle E, Moritz RFA: A time-, work- and cost-efficient molecular test for sensitive, reliable and flexible detection of Honeybee pathogens. 60.Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Institute für Bienenforschung e.V. 19-21 March 2013, Würzburg, Germany
- 2012: McKendrick L, Murray TE, Stolle E, Paxton RJ: Nuclear microsatellite DNA markers support DNA barcoding results for the existence of three cryptic species within Bombus lucourum s.l. Hym. Tagung, Oct 2012, Stuttgart, Germany.
- 2012: McKendrick L, Provan J, Fitzpatrick U, Brown MJF, Murray TE, Stolle E, Paxton RJ: Microsatellite analysis supports the existence of three cryptic species within Bombus lucorum s.l. EurBee5 – 5th European Conference of Apidology, 3-7th Sept 2012, Halle, Germany.
- 2012: Stolle E, Moritz RFA: A time-, work- and cost-efficient molecular test for sensitive, reliable and flexible detection of Honeybee pathogens. EurBee5 – 5th European Conference of Apidology, 3-7th Sept 2012, Halle, Germany.
- 2011: Müller MY, Stolle E, Kraus FB, Moritz RFA: A tool for phylogenetic analysis: Cross-species amplification of microsatellite loci in Apidae. 2nd Central European Meeting of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects – IUSSI, 25th-28th March 2011, Papenburg, Germany.
- 2010: Stolle E, Wilfert L, Schmid-Hempel R, Schmid-Hempel P, Lehrach H, Moritz RFA: A seconds generation linkage map of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris. 15th PhD Meeting of Evolutionary Biology of the DZG, April 2010, Freiburg i.B., Germany
- 2010: Stolle E, Wilfert P, Schmid-Hempel R, Schmid-Hempel P, Reinhardt R, Kube M, Moritz RFA: A 2nd generation genetic map of the bumblebee, Bombus terrestris, and comparison with the Apis mellifera genome. XVI Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects IUSSI, Copenhagen, 8-14th Aug 2010
- 2009: Müller M, Stolle E, Kraus FB, Moritz RFA: A tool for phylogenetic analysis: Cross-species amplification of microsatellite loci in Apidae. 102. Annual Meeting of Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft - DZG (Regensburg, Germany - September 2009)
- 2009: Müller M, Stolle E, Kraus FB, Moritz RFA: A tool for phylogenetic analysis: Cross-species amplification of microsatellite loci in Apidae. New Molecular Tools Workshop, Bern, Switzerland (05/2009)
Courses, Internships, Research Visits and Conferences
- 2014 () research visit Buenos Aires, Argentina
- 2014 () research visit Sao Paulo, Brazil
- 2013 (Oct) workshop “Synthesising transcriptome data to explore interspecies bee-pathogen molecular interactions that may underpin pollinator decline (Trans-Bee)”, Germany German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Leipzig/Germany
- 2013 (12./13. Sept) Ion Torrent User Meeting, Invited Talk on Genotyping-by-Sequencing, Vienna, Austria
- 2013 (Aug) 2 Posters at ESEB, Lisbon, Portugal
- 2013 (April) Queen Mary University of London, School of Biological Sciences, lab of Y. Wurm
- 2012 (Okt) international symposium "Genomic Adaptation to Ecological Niches" Forschungszentrum Biodiversität und Klima (BiK-F), University Frankfurt, Germany
- 2012 (Sept) EurBee5 – 5th European Conference of Apidology, Halle, Germany
- 2011 (June/July): 2011 International Social Insect Genomics Research Conference, June 29-July 2, 2011, BGI, Shenzhen, China.
- 2011 (March): 2nd Central European Meeting of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects – IUSSI, Papenburg, Germany.
- 2010 (August): XVI Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects IUSSI, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 2010 (April): 15th PhD Meeting of Evolutionary Biology of the DZG, Freiburg i.B., Germany
- 2010 (March): ETH Zürich, Switzerland (Experimental Ecology group of Paul Schmid-Hempel)
- 2009 (July): ETH Zürich, Switzerland (Experimental Ecology group of Paul Schmid-Hempel)
- 2009 (May): research visit in the lab of Yves Le Conte,INRA, Avignon (France) (funded by Prevention of honeybee Colony Losses (COLOSS))
- 2009 (March): 56. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Bieneninstitute, Schwerin 2009, March 24th - 26th. Schwerin, Germany
- 2008 (July-Aug.): 11.Internationale Expedition „Kyrgyzstan 2008" (funded by the DaaD)
- 2008 (July): RethinkPCR – Scientific Conferences, Europe (Berlin, Germany)
- 2008 (May): ETH Zürich, Switzerland (Experimental Ecology group of Paul Schmid-Hempel)
- 2008 (Jan.- March): research visit at the University of Pretoria (South Africa) - Department Zoology & Entomology.
- 2007 (Sept.): conference of the IUSSI (deutschsprachigen Sektion), Schwerte near Bochum, Germany
- 2007 (March): 54. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Bieneninstitute, Veitshöchsheim 2007, March 24th - 26th. March 27th - 29th 2007, Würzburg, Germany
- 2006 (Jan.-July): research visit at the University of Pretoria (South Africa) - Department Zoology & Entomology (funded by the DaaD).
- 2003 (March): conference of the DGaaE, Halle, Germany
- annual: meeting of the EVSA (1998-present)
- annual: conference "Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Bieneninstitute". March (2007, 2009, 2011-2013)
other activities
- referee for Heredity , Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology , Insect Molecular Biology , PLoS ONE , Molecular Ecology Resources
- organization committee for EurBee5 – 5th European Conference of Apidology, 3-7th Sept 2012, Halle, Germany
- member of ESEB , IUSSI (CES) , EVSA
- editor of Ampulex
- taxonomy, systematics, biogeography and ecology of Hymenoptera, Evanoidea, Vespoidea, Apoidea, Chrysidoidea.
- supervision of lab practicals (basic & advanced, 2 and 6 weeks) and project students (6 weeks research projects (M. Wagner 2007 Bumblebee Microsatellites, A. Denner 2012 Honeybee Virus detection) and BSc Thesis Projects (U. Grogoll 2009 The distribution of the potential thelytoky causing element in natural honeybee populations in South Africa, T. Kühnel 2013 Population genetic analyses of drone congregations of the neotropical stingless bee Nannotrigona perilampoides))
- member of BSc (U. Grogoll 2009), Diploma (M. Müller 2009, T. Flemming 2012) and Master (A. Reimann 2013, A. Denner 2013) thesis defense evaluation committees
- introduction to population genetics software tools (Microstaellite Toolkit, Colony, Fstat, Genepop)